Being Smart Is So Overrated

Why idolizing intelligence is highly toxic

Alan Trapulionis
3 min readAug 27, 2021


“Me at The Office.” Commercially licensed by Peter Lindberg via Flickr

Let’s be clear: I’m the dumb one.

As a copywriter, I found myself in rooms with people who appeared, sounded and were vastly more intelligent than I am. Almost always, I felt like an imposter. But I admired them, and soaked their many wisdoms.

Has this experience helped me? Certainly. Having absorbed life stories of radically different people, I can better craft my own. But it’s not the holy grail of achievement we consider it to be.

Let me explain.

Smart people are painfully aware of their own shortcomings

If you’re feeling lonely, lazy, useless, guilty or untalented: congratulations. You’re already in the “smart” club, because recognizing your own shortcomings by default requires a surprisingly rare level of introspect.

I do not say this lightly. I usually try not to criticize people, because what the hell good is that? They simply get defensive, and that’s the end of that story. Plus, I know all too well how much of an ape I am myself to judge others (aloud.)

Instead, I try to lead the way by exposing my own weaknesses and stupidities. The response I get 99% of the time? Yep, you are kind of weak, and you…

